Non Stop BBC for Hotwife

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Published by darlanjeff
7 years ago
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Myraben 1 year ago
I got fucked like that at a works christmas Party when they paid for hotel rooms so none of us drove home. A black guy from the accounts got me pissed took me back to his room and we fucked for ages had a rest then were at it again he suddenly took his condom off and said he was going to give me my Christmas present in my cunt and god did he pump a load in me. Knocked me up and If i hadnt got rid of it i would have been opening it in September 
Carola-84 3 months ago
my favorite position, that's exactly how I love to be used♠️💋
bikermike1952 2 months ago
She reminds me of my wife Paula and how she acts when having sex with black men.  The first time she had sex with my friend Booker he took her for her first QoS tattoo.  Now when she has sex with a new black lover he takes her and has a small black spade tattoo put on her right butt cheek. Last time I counted she is proving just how much of a black cock whore she is at over 40 tattoos.  
theodicus 8 months ago
I used to fuck the shit out of my white slave bitch PAWG like this every day for years. I fucked her everywhere, parking garage, club dance floor, on the river bridge, at the train station, while I was driving, at the movie theater, and at my job. She was always want my hard black dick down her wet throat or in her juicy pussy all the time. I would wake up to her riding me. She would fall asleep sucking my dick sometimes and wake up randomly and start sucking again. She had some good pussy and beautiful lips. I still fucked off and on after we broke up. Hmmm.. maybe I'll call her and see if she wants to suck and fuck me for old times sake? 
brandee1 2 days ago
to Carola-84 : RIGHT?! Same here
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